The Hardest Question

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Transfiguration (C) - Rev. Russell Rathbun and Dr. Mark Stenberg

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Hammering it Home

by Ruth Everhart

Gospel Reading: Luke 9:28-36 [37–43a]

For Sunday, Februray 10, 2013—Transfiguration of Our Lord

When I was on a pilgrimage in Israel, we visited the Mount of Transfiguration. Our...

In new testament, mountaintop, peter, glory, Ruth Everhart, pilgrim, pilgrimage, transfiguration, YearC, Luke, Palestine, Isreal, silence

A Veiled Question

by Ruth Everhart

Old Testament Reading: Exodus 34:29-35

For Sunday, Februray 10, 2013—Transfiguration of Our Lord

Shining faces. Who doesn’t love a shining face? We picture a child beaming as she...

In The Minister's Black, fear of the Lord, Old Testament, countenance, Exodus, Puritan, Featured, veil, great sex, Calvinism, Moses, face, Nathaniel Hawthorne, shine, YearC, shining face

Postmodern Prophets

by Mike Stavlund

Old Testament Reading:  Jeremiah 1:4-10

For Sunday, February 3, 2013: Year B—Epiphany 4

Preachers are a funny breed. We take ourselves, our work, and our words very seriously—as we...

In Mike Stavlund, Old Testament, prophet, jeremiah, postmodern, Featured, power, call, YearC, Jeremiah, insecurity

Jesus, Undomesticated

by Mike Stavlund

Gospel Reading: Luke 4:21-30

For Sunday, February 3, 2013: Year B—Epiphany 4

There has been some debate recently over the holiday that honors Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and...

In new testament, Mike Stavlund, prophets, truth-teller, Martin Luther King, Featured, YearC, truth, Luke, Elijah, chosen, establishment

Year C—Epiphany 3 Video Response

In Archived Video

The Secret, Intimate Work

by Lauren Winner

Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a

For Sunday, January 27, 2013: Year C—Epiphany 3

There are plenty of fun ways to avoid the real challenge of this passage.

I like to ask...

In new testament, body, 1 Corinthians, suffering, 1 Corinthians 12, Lauren Winner, Featured, Jane Smiley, members, HIV/AIDS, pastoral care, pulpit

Visiting Prisons

by Lauren Winner

Gospel Reading: Luke 4:14-21

For Sunday, January 27, 2013: Year C—Epiphany 3

I am writing this from the classroom of a women’s prison in central North Carolina. The classroom is in a...

In new testament, penal, prison, citizen, release, incarcernation, Lauren Winner, Isaiah, Featured, freedom, confinement, YearC, Luke, prisoner, solitary

Year C—Epiphany 2 Video Response

In Archived Video