Walk Into the Text

When the Rabbi’s read they walk into the text. They bring themselves to it and step across the edge of the scroll, jump up onto its body, bouncing a little, believing it will hold their weight. And...

In Uncategorized, new testament, russell rathbun, Numbers, 2 Thessalonians, oral tradition, Old Testament, 2 Kings, Wisdom, the hardest question, 2 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians, question the text, Colossians, Psalms, Ephesians, Rabbi, Hosea, 1 Timothy, Leviticus, torah, Isaiah, Exodus, Romans, midrash, Malachi, questions, Featured, 1 John, 1 Thessalonians, Hebrews, John, 1 Samuel, Philemon, 1 Peter, Philippians, 1 Kings, Jonah, Joel, 2 Timothy, James, Deuteronomy, Ruth, YearC, YearB, Mark, YearA, 2 Samuel, Revelation, Luke, Micah, Talmud, Job, Jeremiah, Amos, Acts, Matthew, Genesis, Proverbs, Galatians

In Pain with God

by Will Willimon

Old Testament Reading:  Jeremiah 1:4-10

For Sunday, August 25, 2013: Year C—Lectionary 21

So, are we all agreed that God is love and that God is merciful? God reaches out to those in...

In Old Testament, will willimon, suffering, Featured, Vocation, call, touble, YearC, pain, obedience, Jeremiah, Command

Postmodern Prophets

by Mike Stavlund

Old Testament Reading:  Jeremiah 1:4-10

For Sunday, February 3, 2013: Year B—Epiphany 4

Preachers are a funny breed. We take ourselves, our work, and our words very seriously—as we...

In Mike Stavlund, Old Testament, prophet, jeremiah, postmodern, Featured, power, call, YearC, Jeremiah, insecurity

Arranged Marriage or True Love?

Is God’s love expansive or needy?

by Lia Scholl

Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34

For Sunday, March 25, 2012: Year B—Lent 5

Abraham Joshua Heschel, in The Prophets, writes, “It was in love...

In Lia Scholl, Old Testament, Israel, prophet, jeremiah, Featured, Abraham Joshua Heschel, YearB, Jeremiah, marriage

Oh, Yeah! Gimme More “Fatness!”

Is there still something about Jeremiah’s “fatness” we should stick a fork into?

by Christian Walther

Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 31:7-14

For Sunday, January 2, 2011: Year A - Second Sunday after...

In Christmas, Old Testament, excess, fatness, Featured, baby boomers, Christian Walther, YearA, Jeremiah

Don't Shoot the Messenger

What if you're a prophet, but the message that God gives you to proclaim isn't revolutionary?

By Tony Jones

Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 29: 1-7

For Sunday, October 10, 2010 - Year C, Ordinary 28


In Hope, Old Testament, revolution, prophet, Tony Jones, jeremiah, Featured, Babylon, YearC, Jeremiah

Like Clay in the Hand?

The hardest question - can I trust that God is now doing what “seems best to him?”

by Doug Pagitt

Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 18:1-11

For Sunday, September 5, 2010: Year C - Ordinary 23


In free, Old Testament, trust, potter, Featured, will, doug pagitt, YearC, clay, Jeremiah