Morpheus, I mean John…

by Roy M. Terry IV

Gospel Reading:  Luke 3:7-18

For Sunday, December 16, 2012: Year C—Advent 3

This week’s Gospel reminds me of the movie “The Matrix.” Morpheus, the “John the Baptist” of this movie...

In change, new testament, baptism, systems, Morpheus, liberation, Featured, YearC, Neo, Matrix, Luke, Roy Terry IV

Giving Up, Giving In or Freely Giving

Why does God give up so quickly on God’s chosen people?

by Roy M. Terry IV

Old Testament Reading:  1 Samuel 8:4-20 (11:14-15)

For Sunday, June 10, 2012:  Year B − Ordinary 10

Numerous times I have been...

In change, Old Testament, Samuel, Politics, Anointed, Security, king, 1 Samuel, YearB, Judge, Roy Terry IV

Finding a New Lead-Off Hitter

How am I subverting God’s subversion of exclusivity?

by Dave Buerstetta

New Testament Reading: Acts 10:34-43

For Sunday, Apr. 24, 2011: Year A – Resurrection of Our Lord

With all due respect (isn’t...

In change, new testament, peter, Radical, Cornelius, Dave Buerstetta, subversion, Simon, subverting, Featured, inclusivity, YearA, Acts

Violent Waters

Is there any inherent problem with accepting the Bible’s presentation of God who both storms and submits?

by Russell Rathbun

Psalm Reading: Psalm 29

For Sunday, Jan. 9, 2011: Year A - Baptism of Our...

In change, baptism, russell rathbun, Old Testament, immutable, Psalms, water, Featured, Jordan, submit, YearA