Walk Into the Text

When the Rabbi’s read they walk into the text. They bring themselves to it and step across the edge of the scroll, jump up onto its body, bouncing a little, believing it will hold their weight. And...

In Uncategorized, new testament, russell rathbun, Numbers, 2 Thessalonians, oral tradition, Old Testament, 2 Kings, Wisdom, the hardest question, 2 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians, question the text, Colossians, Psalms, Ephesians, Rabbi, Hosea, 1 Timothy, Leviticus, torah, Isaiah, Exodus, Romans, midrash, Malachi, questions, Featured, 1 John, 1 Thessalonians, Hebrews, John, 1 Samuel, Philemon, 1 Peter, Philippians, 1 Kings, Jonah, Joel, 2 Timothy, James, Deuteronomy, Ruth, YearC, YearB, Mark, YearA, 2 Samuel, Revelation, Luke, Micah, Talmud, Job, Jeremiah, Amos, Acts, Matthew, Genesis, Proverbs, Galatians

Crushed (Another View)!

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1 - 13

For Sunday, March 3, 2013; Year C—Lent 3

Two observations and an initial question…

Observation #1: Good things happen and bad things happen.

In God, new testament, Michael Danner, 1 Corinthians, suffering, Jesus, pagan, Featured, snakes, warning, sexual immorality, YearC, angel, wrath

The Secret, Intimate Work

by Lauren Winner

Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a

For Sunday, January 27, 2013: Year C—Epiphany 3

There are plenty of fun ways to avoid the real challenge of this passage.

I like to ask...

In new testament, body, 1 Corinthians, suffering, 1 Corinthians 12, Lauren Winner, Featured, Jane Smiley, members, HIV/AIDS, pastoral care, pulpit

Supernatural Vending Machine

by Roy M. Terry IV

Epistle Reading:  1 Corinthians 12:1-11

For Sunday, January 20, 2013: Year C—Epiphany 2

I am a “Snickers” guy. When I’m a little hungry and there happens to be a vending machine...

In new testament, baptism, 1 Corinthians, Holy Spirit, snickers, Featured, gift, gifts of the spirit, vending machine, Roy Terry IV

Of Mystery and Mercy

The Hidden Darkness of Our Hearts

by Nadia Bolz-Weber

Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 4:1-5

For Sunday, February 27, 2011 Year A - Epiphany 8 

The Carnival Lady cries:Ladies and Gentlemen, step...

In new testament, 1 Corinthians, mercy, nadia bolz-weber, cross, heart, Featured, judgment, mystery, YearA, commendation, condemnation

Collapsing Our Dichotomies

In Defense of Flesh, Blood, Fat, and Dust

by Carol Howard Merritt

Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9

For Sunday, February 13, 2011: Year A - Epiphany 6

I grew up in Florida, in a little beach...

In new testament, body, holistic, 1 Corinthians, grace, spirit, fatness, law, postmodern, Featured, fat, flesh, YearA, carol howard merritt, Dichotomies