Our Own Scary Movie

by Lia Scholl

Old Testament Reading: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

For Sunday, February 24, 2013: Year C—Lent 2

I do not like scary movies. I’ve tried to watch Saw, and I lasted about 8 minutes. I’ve...

In Lia Scholl, Old Testament, dream, sacrifice, promise, nightmare, Featured, darkness, Abram, horror, Genesis, heavy metal music

Waiting on the Felonies of Jesus

Can we keep preaching these texts, year after year, and expect people to believe he is coming?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading: Matthew 24:36-44

For Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010: Year C - Advent 1


In new testament, russell rathbun, fulfilment, promise, Featured, YearA, john the baptist, Matthew, Peace

Attack Drones into Solar Arrays?

Is it better to preach the promise of peace or to proclaim the reality of its long-standing absence?

by Russell Rathbun

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 2:1-5

For Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010: Year C - Advent...

In russell rathbun, Old Testament, Isaiah, plowshares, promise, Featured, historical-critical, YearA, Peace, swords