High Praise from Heaven

by Mike Stavlund

Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31

For Sunday, May 26, 2013: Year C—Holy Trinity

In this week’s Gospel reading, Jesus has lots of laudatory stuff to say about himself and...

In Mike Stavlund, Old Testament, wisdom, creation, Proverbs 8, Trinity Sunday, Featured, Psalm 8, YearC, Proverbs

If This is a Pep Talk, I Give It an “F”

by Danielle Shroyer

Epistle Reading:  James 5:13-20

For Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 26

I don’t have any concrete evidence on this, but I think this passage may be in the running to win a...

In prayer, new testament, healing, wisdom, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, save, James, YearB, Elijah


by Clint Schnekloth

Apocrypha Reading:  Wisdom 1:16—2:1, 12-22

For Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012: Year B - Ordinary 25

Inevitably if you preach on this text, someone is going to ask how Wisdom came to be a...

In lectionary, Wisdom, righteous one, apocrypha, Apocrypha, Clint Schnekloth, wisdom, immortality

Wisdom and Justice

by Nanette Sawyer

Old Testament Reading:  1 Kings 8: 1, 6, 10-11, 22-30, 41-43

For Sunday, August 26, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 21

King Solomon is a good man. He is admired and admirable, for the most...

In prayer, justice, Old Testament, nanette sawyer, retribution, forgiveness, wisdom, Featured, 1 Kings, YearB

Is there Wisdom in Fearing God?

What can we learn from this ancient understanding of our divine relationship?

by Carol Howard Merritt

Psalm Reading: Psalm 111

For Sunday, Jan. 29, Year B − Epiphany 4

In the midst of premarital...

In wise, Old Testament, love, Psalms, wisdom, Featured, fear, YearB, angry, carol howard merritt

Psalm of Spite

Clearly not a Wisdom Psalm, I just wonder if Psalm 112 is meant as a Bragging Psalm?

by Russell Rathbun

Psalm Reading: Psalm 112

For Sunday, Feb 6. , 2011: Year A - Epiphany 5

Pick up the needle,...

In russell rathbun, Old Testament, Psalms, bragging, revenge, wisdom, Featured, horn, YearA, spite