Go to the Light!

by MaryAnn McKibben Dana

Old Testament Reading:  Isaiah 60:1-6

For Sunday, January 6, 2013—Epiphany of the Lord

Ah, Epiphany. It’s the season that we in the church should probably give more attention...

In Old Testament, Isaiah, creation, YearC, wholeness, shalom, epiphany, MaryAnn McKibben Dana, abundance, light

Broken Hearts, Broken Communities

Does God Grieve Losing Us Like We Grieve Losing Loved Ones?

by Nanette Sawyer

Gospel Reading: Luke 15:1-10

For Sunday, September 12, 2010: Year C – Ordinary 24

I’m thinking of moments of deep grief...

In new testament, nanette sawyer, lost coin, Jesus, shepherd, Featured, YearC, wholeness, Luke