THQ'n the Season

by Russell Rathbun

Epistle Reading: Romans 10:8b-13

For Sunday, February 17, 2013—Lent 1

The position of the Gospel and the Epistle posts are intentionally flipped this week in that this post serves...

In Lent, new testament, russell rathbun, Mark Stenberg, question, Romans, sacrifice, alcohol, twitter, Featured, giving up, YearC, chocolate, facebook

Jesus Questions the Text

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading:  Mark 10:2-16

For Sunday, Oct. 7, 2012—Ordinary 27

When we started this blog, we set out with a clear resolve to take seriously the questions that came up as we...

In new testament, lectionary, russell rathbun, Jesus, question, law, stone, divorce, midrash, Featured, Moses, YearB, Mark

Shutting Down the Smart Kids?

Jesus' intellectual smackdown.

by Danielle Shroyer

Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:34-46

For Sunday, October 23, 2011:  Year A—Ordinary 30

Jesus is the master of responding to questions with another...

In faith, new testament, Pharisees, Columbo, riddle, question, Trinity, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, trick, YearA, logic, Sadducees, Matthew