The Walking Alive

On being affected/infected by the Spirit.

by Neal D. Presa

New Testament Reading: Acts 2:1-21

For Sunday, May 27, Year B − Pentecost

We would expect no less from God than purely phenomenal, surreal,...

In community, new testament, Prophecy, Holy Spirit, Walking Dead, spirit, praise, Pentecost, Featured, worship, Mark Labberton, YearB, Neal Presa, Acts

This Branch Is Slower than Christmas

Why is the stump of Jesse taking so long to fill the whole world with the knowledge of God?

by Danielle Shroyer

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 11:1-10

For Sunday, December 5, 2010 Year A - Advent 2


In justice, Hope, Prophecy, Old Testament, righteousness, Isaiah, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, Jesse, stump, YearA, knowledge, Peace

Seriously, Isaiah?

Where do we draw the line between prophet and lunatic?

by Jake Bouma

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 1:10-18

For Sunday, October 31, 2010: Year C - Ordinary 31

Well, this is certainly a hell of a way...

In Mental health, Prophecy, Old Testament, Jake Bouma, Prophetic literature, prophet, lunacy, Isaiah, Featured, insane, YearC, Yahweh