Begging Jesus

By Nanette Sawyer

Gospel Reading: Luke 8:26-39

For Sunday, June 23, 2013:  Year C—Ordinary 12

Even more than Twitter, Jesus changes everything. He upsets the socio-economic situation, brings outsiders...

In new testament, pigs, healing, nanette sawyer, salvation, Featured, abyss, demons, fear, YearC, Luke

How to Heal Like Jesus

by Lia Scholl

Gospel Reading: Luke 7:11-17

For Sunday, June 9, 2013: Year C—Lectionary 10

I really, really want the Bible to be a good guide for how to do ministry, and how to really help change...

In new testament, Lia Scholl, healing, Featured, context, funeral, YearC, Nain, Luke, heal, widow

Searching for a Miracle

by Carol Howard Merritt

Gospel Reading: Mark 10:46-52

For Sunday, October 28, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 30

My father and I entered a huge concrete block building, crowded with people. My dad didn’t use a...

In Doubt, prayer, faith, new testament, healing, Bartimaeus, magic, formula, Featured, YearB, Mark, sickness, faith healers, blind, carol howard merritt

If This is a Pep Talk, I Give It an “F”

by Danielle Shroyer

Epistle Reading:  James 5:13-20

For Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 26

I don’t have any concrete evidence on this, but I think this passage may be in the running to win a...

In prayer, new testament, healing, wisdom, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, save, James, YearB, Elijah

Sense My Body

"Reach out and touch—faith!"

by Clint Schnekloth

Gospel Reading:  Mark 5:21-43

For Sunday, July 1, 2012: Year B - Ordinary 13

There is a lot of touching going on here, a lot of sheer physicality.


In faith, new testament, healing, Clint Schnekloth, Jesus, Touch, Featured, The Healing Touch Program, blood, Depeche Mode, YearB, Mark

Buying Access to God's Healing

Why does this business of healing have to be a business?

by Michael Danner

Old Testament Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-14

For Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012; Year B—Epiphany 6

When I read, or hear, a healing story, I...

In justice, Old Testament, Elisha, healing, 2 Kings, Michael Danner, Namaan, Featured, YearB, healthcare

Sweet Jesus, What have you Done?

Why did Jesus have to set our healing hopes so high?

by Michael Danner

Gospel Reading: Mark 1:40 - 45

For Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012; Year B—Epiphany 6

As a pastor, there is nothing more frustrating than...

In compassion, new testament, Hope, healing, Michael Danner, Jesus, Featured, YearB, Mark, lepers

Jesus the Exorcist II

Is healing one of the promises of the kingdom?

by Jodi-Renee Adams

Gospel Reading: Mark 1:29-39

For Sunday, Feb. 5, Year B − Epiphany 5

Jesus starts his ministry with a bang by healing a dying woman...

In new testament, healing, kingdom, Jesus, Featured, demons, YearB, Mark, Jodi-Renee Adams, preaching

We Are Not Alone.

The insidious nature of sin and brokenness in communities of faith.

by Bruce Reyes-Chow

 Epistle Reading:  Romans 7:15-25

For Sunday, July 3, 2011: Year A - Ordinary 14

Oh boy, proof that some people...

In community, faith, new testament, healing, Sin, Romans, Featured, reconciliation, Bruce-Reyes Chow, YearA, joy, integrity

The Untouchables

Why does Jesus keep his distance from the lepers and heal them as they're walking away?

By Tony Jones

Gospel Reading: Luke 17: 11-19

For Sunday, October 10, 2010 - Year C, Ordinary 28

From a ways...

In new testament, healing, Tony Jones, Featured, re-humanize, YearC, mother theresa, Luke, miracle, lepers