Walk Into the Text

When the Rabbi’s read they walk into the text. They bring themselves to it and step across the edge of the scroll, jump up onto its body, bouncing a little, believing it will hold their weight. And...

In Uncategorized, new testament, russell rathbun, Numbers, 2 Thessalonians, oral tradition, Old Testament, 2 Kings, Wisdom, the hardest question, 2 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians, question the text, Colossians, Psalms, Ephesians, Rabbi, Hosea, 1 Timothy, Leviticus, torah, Isaiah, Exodus, Romans, midrash, Malachi, questions, Featured, 1 John, 1 Thessalonians, Hebrews, John, 1 Samuel, Philemon, 1 Peter, Philippians, 1 Kings, Jonah, Joel, 2 Timothy, James, Deuteronomy, Ruth, YearC, YearB, Mark, YearA, 2 Samuel, Revelation, Luke, Micah, Talmud, Job, Jeremiah, Amos, Acts, Matthew, Genesis, Proverbs, Galatians

Political Paul and the Foreskin Follies

by Mark Stenberg

Epistle  Reading: Galatians 6.1-18

For Sunday, July 7, 2013: Year C—Ordinary 14

Hey. I don't know if you've noticed yet, but it is a great time to be alive. Especially if you are a...

In history, new testament, N.T.Wright, Mark Stenberg, Richard Horsely, YearC, political interpretation, Glalatians, Galatians, empire

Theological Telephone Game

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: Galatians 2:15 - 21

For Sunday, June 16, 2013; Year C—Ordinary 11

At some point, every youth group plays the telephone game (usually for the gossip lesson). But I...

In new testament, temptation, Michael Danner, Gentile, Featured, reconciliation, YearC, preaching, justification, exclusion, Jew, Paul, telephone game, Galatians