The Road Less Traveled

Where are we walking, standing and sitting?*

by Danielle Shroyer

Psalm Reading:  Psalm 1

For Sunday, May 20, 2012: Year B—Easter 7

If you’re going to compile a collection of poetry, it’s fitting to...

In Psalm, Old Testament, path, Psalms, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, poem, ungodly, poetry, YearB, righteous, way, sinners, King James Version

Prayer and the Automatic Teller Machine

Is God an ATM?

by Karen Gibson

Psalm Reading: Psalm 17:1-7, 15

For Sunday, July 31, 2011: Year A—Ordinary 18

I was right. He was wrong. He went to bed. I let the dogs out into the back yard. I...

In prayer, God, Old Testament, Psalms, ATM, Featured, YearA, righteous, Karen Gibson, just