On Being Named "Good"

by Unvirtuous Abbey

Gospel Reading:  Luke 10:25–37

For Sunday, July 14, 2013—Ordinary 15

Recently, after church, a senior pulled out of the parking lot, and instead of tapping the break, she hit the...

In new testament, love, stories, Temple, dehumanize, priest, Unvirtuous Abbey, ritual, Ceremony, Leslie Marmon Silko, power, YearC, Luke, Good Samaritan, levite

The Real Palm Sunday

by Danielle Shroyer

New Testament Reading:  Revelation 7:9-17

For Sunday, April 21, 2013: Year C—Easter 4

I know it’s a long-standing Christian tradition to bring out palm branches for Palm Sunday,...

In Easter, new testament, Maccabees, Temple, palm branches, revelation, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, YearC, Revelation, palm sunday

Searching for the Teenage Jesus

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading:  Luke 4:21-52

For Sunday, December 30, 2012—Christmas 1

The Sunday after Christmas is the second least attended service of the year; the Sunday after Easter is the...

In russell rathbun, Temple, understand, Featured, runnoft, YearC, Luke, O Holy Night, Hogwallup, choir boy

They All Come Tumbling Down

by Jodi-Renee Giron

Gospel Reading: Mark 13:1-8

For Sunday, November 18, 2012, Year B − Ordinary 33

After a day spent talking about loving your neighbor and commending sacrificial widows, Jesus and...

In Religion, new testament, apocalypse, denver civic center, 70 ce, kingdom, Temple, Featured, YearB, Mark, little apocalypse, Jodi-Renee Giron, evangelical, liturgy, Peace

All That Glitters May or May Not Be Gold

by Jodi-Renee Giron

Psalm Reading: Psalm 16

For Sunday, November 18, 2012, Year B − Ordinary 33

The psalmist, ascribed to be David, starts with a plea for protection from the Almighty One then...

In prayer, Old Testament, Temple, Psalms, promises, Featured, goodness, institution, YearB, Jodi-Renee Giron, evangelical, liturgy

One Size Fits All

An enigmatic historical account and the blame game.

by Mike Stavlund

Gospel Reading: John 2:13-22

For Sunday, March 11, 2012: Year B—Lent 3

For some reason, Jesus picks this one day out of his whole...

In new testament, Mike Stavlund, Temple, Ann Lamott, predjudice, Featured, John, image, YearB, blame

Mary, Mother of God

Temple of flesh and blood

By Debbie Blue

Gospel Reading: Luke 1:26-38

For Sunday, December 18, 2011: Year B—Advent 4

I’m never sure how a story as wild and pagan sounding, a story that resonates with...

In new testament, Temple, Debbie Blue, mother, queen of heaven, fertility, Featured, incarnation, mary, YearB, Luke, goddess

David, King of Empire

House of cedar and gold.

By Debbie Blue

Old Testament Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-16

 For Sunday, October 18, 2011: Year B---Advent 4

“Now when the king was settled in his house…” Seems like an archetypal...

In Old Testament, Temple, Debbie Blue, womb, Imperial, Featured, YearB, 2 Samuel, house, Rapunzel, tent, reality, empire

Delegitimizing the Witness

Why doesn’t he point out Jesus, who is standing among them?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading:  John 1:6-28

For Sunday, Dec. 11 , 2011: Year B—Advent 3

John 1 is always a lot of fun for an exegete....

In new testament, baptism, russell rathbun, Temple, Gentile, proselyte, korban, Featured, John, YearB

Things to Admire

What does the widow’s gift have to do with the sacrifice of Jesus?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading: Luke 21:5-19

For Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010: Year C - Ordinary 33

Why is it when I read lists of ...

In new testament, russell rathbun, Temple, apocalyotic, natural disasters, destruction, sacrifice, sign, Featured, gift, YearC, Luke, war, rant, widow