Mixed Messages

by Unvirtuous Abbey

Gospel Reading:  Luke 1:46b–55 [Alternative]

For Sunday, December 15, 2013—Advent 3

Given the glitches in our technology, such as sending texts to the wrong person, I can’t help...

In new testament, virgin, hurricane, rape, virgin birth, Unvirtuous Abbey, Featured, YearA, Luke, Philippines, angel

Slow Your Roll, Jesus!

by Lia Scholl

Gospel Reading: Luke 13:31–35

For Sunday, February 24, 2013: Year C—Lent 2

“Slow your roll!” she yells at her dad. Her father and I look at one another and we laugh. Slow your roll....

In Lia Scholl, rape, martyr, prophets, Martin Luther King, Featured, YearC, slow your roll, Luke, India