Justice? Vengeance?

By Nanette Sawyer

Epistle Reading: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17

For Sunday, Nov 10, 2013:  Year C—Lectionary 32

One of the reasons a text like this one is so off-putting is because of how truth has...

In violence, justice, new testament, apocalypse, 2 Thessalonians, nanette sawyer, revenge, enemies

The Relentless Widow

by Lia Scholl

Gospel  Reading: Luke 18:1–8

For Sunday, October 20, 2013: Year C—Lectionary 29

Our gospel lesson talks about a widow who wants justice. She goes to the judge to seek relief from her...

In prayer, justice, new testament, Lia Scholl, Zeraphath, persistance, Tamar, Featured, YearC, Judge, Luke, widow, injustie, Naomi

Justice Delayed 2.0

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading (Take 2): Luke 24:1-12

For Sunday, March 31, 2013—Easter Sunday

Luke’s Jesus said more than he would rise on the third day rise again. Jesus said he came to let the...

In Easter, justice, new testament, russell rathbun, proclamation, redemption, Featured, interpretation, YearC, Luke, risen indeed, gospel, world

Wisdom and Justice

by Nanette Sawyer

Old Testament Reading:  1 Kings 8: 1, 6, 10-11, 22-30, 41-43

For Sunday, August 26, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 21

King Solomon is a good man. He is admired and admirable, for the most...

In prayer, justice, Old Testament, nanette sawyer, retribution, forgiveness, wisdom, Featured, 1 Kings, YearB

The Burden of a Not-So-Burdensome Commandment

Living Out Love In the Real World.

by Jodi-Renee Adams

Epistle Reading:  1 John 5.1-6

For Sunday, May 23, Year B − Easter 6

John insists in a kind of circular argument that if you are a child of GOD...

In justice, new testament, love, kingdom, Featured, 1 John, paradox, Great Commandment, YearB, Jodi-Renee Adams

Buying Access to God's Healing

Why does this business of healing have to be a business?

by Michael Danner

Old Testament Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-14

For Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012; Year B—Epiphany 6

When I read, or hear, a healing story, I...

In justice, Old Testament, Elisha, healing, 2 Kings, Michael Danner, Namaan, Featured, YearB, healthcare

Repurposing the Promise of Release

How long can we continue to push God’s promise of justice into the future? 

by Russell Rathbun

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

For Sunday, Dec. 11 , 2011: Year B—Advent 3

Jesus quotes...

In justice, russell rathbun, Old Testament, Isaiah, reset, Featured, YearB, Year of Jubilee, future, Good News

This Branch Is Slower than Christmas

Why is the stump of Jesse taking so long to fill the whole world with the knowledge of God?

by Danielle Shroyer

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 11:1-10

For Sunday, December 5, 2010 Year A - Advent 2


In justice, Hope, Prophecy, Old Testament, righteousness, Isaiah, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, Jesse, stump, YearA, knowledge, Peace

A Deceptive God?

If God is so anguished over our suffering, why does God allow it? Shouldn’t God be protecting us?

by Nanette Sawyer

Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28

For Sunday, September 12, 2010:...

In justice, Old Testament, nanette sawyer, evil, suffering, Theodicy, Featured, YearC, Jeremiah, punishment

Threats from Heaven

When is injustice so unspeakable that it demands violent response?

by Russell Rathbun

Old Testament Reading: Amos 8:1-12

For Sunday, July 18, 2010: Year C, Ordinary 16

The book of Amos contains the...

In violence, God, injustice, justice, russell rathbun, Old Testament, Featured, YearC, Amos