The Dysfunctional Family of God

How do we find anything like Good News in the way this not-completely-trustworthy-trickster-god treats this family?

by Russell Rathbun

Old Testament Reading:  Genesis 25:19-34

For Sunday, July 10 ,...

In family, russell rathbun, Old Testament, mother, trickster, Featured, blessing, YearA, cruel, miracle, Genesis

Where is the Good Guy?

Is this about the unjust economy of the world, about idolatry, or the ability to put myself above them?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading: Luke 16:1-13

For Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010: Year C - Ordinary...

In new testament, russell rathbun, money, steward, trickster, Featured, wealth, YearC, parable, Luke