Why Do You Seek Jesus?

Gospel Reading:  John 6:24 - 35

For Sunday, August 5, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 18

I don’t remember a lot of what I was taught as a kid in church. However, I do remember being taught this: If I didn’t...

In new testament, Feeding of the 5000, Michael Danner, manipulation, Jesus, Featured, friendship, John, YearB, shalom, bread

Waiting for the Judge

Is praising God necessary preparation for understanding God’s judgment?

by Russell Rathbun

Psalm Reading: Psalm 98

For Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010: Year C - Ordinary 33

Praise is something that I'm...

In russell rathbun, Old Testament, manipulation, Psalms, praise, Featured, worship, judgment, YearC