Is Radical Resistance Possible?

Is the Sermon on the Mount practicable or is it an impossibility that turns us to the grace of God?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:38-48

For Sunday, Feb. 20, 2011: Year A - Epiphany 7


In new testament, russell rathbun, insanity, practicable, sermon on the mount, Featured, perfection, Tolstoy, Pelagius, YearA, gospel, Matthew, impossible

Set Apart to Wear Plaid Pants

Experience tells us that Jesus’ sales pitch is a lie

by Mike Baughman

Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:1-12

For Sunday, January 30, 2011: Year A - Epiphany 4

“I’ve been really blessed, so I’m glad that I...

In new testament, lectionary, lie, blessed, golf, Jesus, sermon on the mount, Featured, YearA, Mike Baughman, pants, Matthew, beatitudes

Is Jesus Selling Us a Bill Of Goods?

The Beatitudes feel like Jesus is Tom Sawyer and discipleship is painting a fence

by Nadia Bolz-Weber

Gospel Reading: Luke 6:20-31

For Sunday, November 7, 2010 Year C - All Saints

Is Jesus just...

In new testament, Jesus, sermon on the mount, nadia bolz-weber, Featured, YearC, Luke, beatitudes