Incarnation, Schmincarnation

by Danielle Shroyer

Epistle Reading: Romans 13:11-14

For Sunday, December 1, 2013:  Year A—Advent 1

Oh, the use of the word “flesh” in the New Testament letters: is there anything more thrilling to...

In Uncategorized, new testament, sarx, Romans, Danielle Shroyer, flesh, incarnation, YearA, Paul

This is Not About Welfare

by Danielle Shroyer

Epistle Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

For Sunday, Novemeber 17, 2013:  Year C—Lectionary 33

There was a time when one could read this passage and not think immediately about the...

In new testament, 2 Thessalonians, right to work, parousia, end of the world, second coming, epistle, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, end times, idleness, work ethic, Paul

Theological Telephone Game

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: Galatians 2:15 - 21

For Sunday, June 16, 2013; Year C—Ordinary 11

At some point, every youth group plays the telephone game (usually for the gossip lesson). But I...

In new testament, temptation, Michael Danner, Gentile, Featured, reconciliation, YearC, preaching, justification, exclusion, Jew, Paul, telephone game, Galatians

A Breath of Fresh Air

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

For Sunday, December 2, 2012; Year C—Advent 1

The Apostle Paul was a passionate defender of the faith. He dismantled error with a razor-like...

In Uncategorized, prayer, faith, new testament, practices, Michael Danner, love, spiritual disciplines, enemies, political, Rush Limbaugh, Featured, 1 Thessalonians, YearC, Dali Lama, Paul

Reading the Bible with Jews

 Are we saved not by faith or belief, but by Jesus' faithfulness?

by Carl Gregg

Epistle Reading: Romans 4:13-25

 For Sunday, March 4, 2012: Year B — Lent 2

Many Christians have begun to have ears to...

In new testament, Anti-Semitism, law, torah, Romans, Featured, Carl Gregg, YearB, Paul, Judaism

Thessalonian Comfort

Do Paul’s words still solace today?

by Lauren F. Winner

Epistle Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

For Sunday, November 6, 2011: Year A - Ordinary 32

Someone in the Thessalonian community died before...

In Grief, new testament, Comfort, Lauren Winner, Featured, 1 Thessalonians, death, YearA, Paul, consolation

Deception and the Hand of God

Can We Still Speak Credibly of Salvation?

by Russell Rathbun

Epistle Reading: Romans 10:5-15

For Sunday, August 7 , 2011: Year A—Ordinary 19

I feel like I should post about the Epistles every now...

In new testament, russell rathbun, Karl Barth, Israel, salvation, law, confess, Romans, Featured, save, YearA, Paul

Hoping and Seeing: There’s No Sibling Rivalry Here

Why on earth do we think seeing hopes fulfilled would remove our hope?

by Danielle Shroyer

Epistle Reading: Romans 8:12-25

For Sunday, July 17, 2011: Year A—Ordinary 16

Oh, Paul. You do love run-on...

In Easter, new testament, Hope, Romans, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, YearA, Paul

The Narrowing of the Gospel

Why are there four Gospels, but only one Acts?

by Russell Rathbun

First  Reading: Acts 2:1-21

For Sunday, June 12 , 2011: Year A - Day of Pentecost

The church is born fifty days after the...

In new testament, russell rathbun, Babel, crocodiles, monoculture, Pentecost, Featured, fifty, green beans, YearA, Luke, Acts, Paul, voice, synoptic

Kinda Sad

Can the privileged citizens of the empire proclaim the gospel of the oppressed?

by Russell Rathbun

Epistle Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18

For Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010: Year C - Ordinary 30

This is...

In new testament, russell rathbun, citizen, Featured, 2 Timothy, death, YearC, oppressed, gospel, privilege, Paul, empire