Making Friends with Strange Cats

by Unvirtuous Abbey

Old Testament Reading:  2 Samuel 23:1-7

For Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012—Christ the King Sunday

During a senate debate, Richard Mourdock said, “I think even when life begins in that...

In Uncategorized, Robert Mourdock, Old Testament, authority, Holy Spirit, listen, discernment, Unvirtuous Abbey, speak, Featured, YearB, 2 Samuel, David

Reminding God That God Used To Be A Lot Nicer

The implication being: that ain’t happening now.

by Nadia Bolz-Weber

Psalm Reading: Psalm 85:1–2, 8–13

For Sunday, Dec. 4, 2011 Year B—Advent 2

You don’t have to be some fancy biblical scholar to...

In Old Testament, grace, listen, Psalms, nadia bolz-weber, Featured, YearB, preacher, word, preach

I’m Sorry, Did You Say Something?

The adventure of listening for God in the midst the sounds of world.

by Bruce Reyes-Chow

 Gospel Reading:  Matthew 11:16-19,25-30

For Sunday, July 3, 2011: Year A - Ordinary 14

I am notorious for...

In God, new testament, music, life, transformative, song, listen, discernment, Featured, Bruce-Reyes Chow, death, YearA, hear, Matthew, distraction