Questioners, Beware

by Danielle Shroyer

Gospel Reading:  John 10:22-30

For Sunday, April 21, 2013: Year C—Easter 4

Sometimes, less is more.

In this conversation between Jesus and the Jews gathered in the Temple, I think...

In Easter, new testament, Jesus, Messiah, Gospel of John, mathlete, answers, questions, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, John, YearC, sheep

My Shepherd?

Is there any such thing as individual salvation?

by Russell Rathbun

Psalm Reading: Psalm 23

For Sunday, April 29, 2012—Easter 4

There are some scriptures that will for ever be in the King James...

In russell rathbun, Old Testament, valet, Psalms, Featured, narcissism, YearB, shepehrd, sheep, King James

Legislating Forgiveness

How are we to take Jesus’ claims about the Father in heaven?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading: Matthew 18:15-20

For Sunday, Sept. 4 , 2011: Year A—Ordinary 23

There are some very specific...

In new testament, russell rathbun, forgiveness, Father, loose, Featured, bind, heaven, YearA, discipline, Matthew, sheep

But Can You Trust Him?

What do I do when my experience contradicts what Jesus says?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading: John 10:1-10

For Sunday, May 15 , 2011: Year A - Easter 4

Jesus says the sheep will recognize the...

In new testament, russell rathbun, afraid, life, experience, trust, shepherd, Featured, John, YearA, hear, sheep, voice