Brains, Reins and a Tiller

by Mike Baughman

Epistle Reading: James 3:1-12

For Sunday, Sept. 16, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 24

In this week’s lectionary text on leadership and tongues, the potential significance of the small and...

In new testament, leadership, james, tongue, rudder, snaffle, Featured, James, YearB, Mike Baughman

Preaching In The Key of Life

Does our preaching really speak to the real-life struggles of those to whom we preach?

by Stephen G. Marsh

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 50:4-9a

For Sunday, April 17, 2011: Year A – PassionSunday

In Stephen Marsh, Old Testament, life, tongue, Isaiah, preachers, Featured, YearA, sermons, preaching, pain