Doing Faith Until You Have It

by Will Willimon

Gospel Reading:  Luke 17:5-10

For Sunday, October 6, 2013: Year C—Lectionary 27

What is faith? Faith is trust, belief, conviction, relationship. If I say, “I have faith that this jet...

In faith, new testament, relationship, will willimon, righteousness, Featured, YearC, Luke, justification, Works

Vampire Ministry

Are we making disciples or sucking fresh blood?

by Unvirtuous Abbey

Gospel Reading: John 1:43–51

For Sunday, Jan. 15, 2012: Year B – Epiphany 2

There is something missing from Christianity these days...

In new testament, relationship, Nathanael, Unvirtuous Abbey, Featured, John, power, discipleship, YearB, cynicism, appreciation

No Kings (or heirs to the throne)

Isn’t the narrative of a venerable God enough?

by Russell Rathbun

Epistle Reading:  Hebrews 1:1-4

For Sunday, Dec. 25 , 2011: Year B—Christmas Day

The first four verses of Hebrews, tells of the...

In Christmas, new testament, russell rathbun, transaction, relationship, Featured, Hebrews, hierarchy, YearB, royal, throne, God with us

Getting Out of Egypt

It’s hard to shed the traces of tyranny

By Debbie Blue

Old Testament Reading: Exodus 32: 1-14

For Sunday, October 9, 2011: Year A—Ordinary 28

I can’t really blame the people for enjoying the golden...

In violence, calf, Old Testament, Passion, Blundering, relationship, Debbie Blue, intimacy, Tyrants, Exodus, lovers, Featured, Statues, Moses, YearA, Rigidity

Don’t Tell A Soul

Why does truth need to be hidden?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading:  Matthew 16:13-20

For Sunday, August 21 , 2011: Year A—Ordinary 21

This is some kind of powerful, charismatic, traveling Rabbi.

In new testament, con artist, russell rathbun, hidden, relationship, Rabbi, Featured, light. Messiah, truth, YearA, secret, Matthew