Sweet Talking God

by Russell Rathbun

Psalm Reading: Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20

For Sunday, June 30, 2013 —Ordinary 13

I have noticed that the Psalms are quite popular for use both in worship and personal devotional prayer...

In Hope, russell rathbun, Old Testament, suckiness, Psalms, sucky, sweet talk, enemies, Featured, plead, YearC, awesome, emotion

The End of the World

by Michael Danner

Gospel Reading: Luke 21:25 - 36

For Sunday, December 2, 2012; Year C—Advent 1

This passage begins with apocalyptic thunder, as Jesus overwhelms his hearers with the unspeakable doom...

In faith, new testament, Hope, apocalypse, Michael Danner, end of the world, Jesus, redemption, Featured, YearC, Luke

Sweet Jesus, What have you Done?

Why did Jesus have to set our healing hopes so high?

by Michael Danner

Gospel Reading: Mark 1:40 - 45

For Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012; Year B—Epiphany 6

As a pastor, there is nothing more frustrating than...

In compassion, new testament, Hope, healing, Michael Danner, Jesus, Featured, YearB, Mark, lepers

Hoping and Seeing: There’s No Sibling Rivalry Here

Why on earth do we think seeing hopes fulfilled would remove our hope?

by Danielle Shroyer

Epistle Reading: Romans 8:12-25

For Sunday, July 17, 2011: Year A—Ordinary 16

Oh, Paul. You do love run-on...

In Easter, new testament, Hope, Romans, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, YearA, Paul

A New Hope

Crying, waiting, hoping.

by Unvirtuous Abbey

Gospel Reading: Romans 5: 1-11

For Sunday, Mar. 27, 2011: Year A – Lent 3

A friend of mine was recently “vague booking.” I called him and heard his...

In faith, Lent, new testament, Hope, Romans, Unvirtuous Abbey, Featured, gift, wait, YearA, justification

A Way Without Violence

Does redeeming the violence of God in the text take precedence over all other interpretive proclamation?

by Russell Rathbun

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 35:1-10

For Sunday, Dec. 12, 2010: Year A -...

In Advent, violence, Hope, russell rathbun, Old Testament, James Alison, Isaiah, Rene Girard, Featured, YearA, joy, vengence

This Branch Is Slower than Christmas

Why is the stump of Jesse taking so long to fill the whole world with the knowledge of God?

by Danielle Shroyer

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 11:1-10

For Sunday, December 5, 2010 Year A - Advent 2


In justice, Hope, Prophecy, Old Testament, righteousness, Isaiah, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, Jesse, stump, YearA, knowledge, Peace

Don't Shoot the Messenger

What if you're a prophet, but the message that God gives you to proclaim isn't revolutionary?

By Tony Jones

Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 29: 1-7

For Sunday, October 10, 2010 - Year C, Ordinary 28


In Hope, Old Testament, revolution, prophet, Tony Jones, jeremiah, Featured, Babylon, YearC, Jeremiah