Poor Little Flock

by Clint Schnekloth

Gospel Reading:  Luke 12:32-40

For Sunday, August 11, 2013: Year C—Lectionary 19

Let's face it. No wonder Jesus calls his group a "little flock." Any group that is asked to sell...

In new testament, imagination, Clint Schnekloth, kingdom, Featured, YearC, Luke, virtuous circle, wedding banquet, treasure, little flock

Papa’s Got a Brand New Bible

by Unvirtuous Abbey

Gospel Reading:  John 18:33–37

For Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012—Christ the King Sunday

The King James Brown version of the Bible might say, “The one thing that can solve most of our...

In president, new testament, kingdom, Obama, Politics, dance, Unvirtuous Abbey, Featured, John, pilate, Chistmas, YearB, truth, james Brown

They All Come Tumbling Down

by Jodi-Renee Giron

Gospel Reading: Mark 13:1-8

For Sunday, November 18, 2012, Year B − Ordinary 33

After a day spent talking about loving your neighbor and commending sacrificial widows, Jesus and...

In Religion, new testament, apocalypse, denver civic center, 70 ce, kingdom, Temple, Featured, YearB, Mark, little apocalypse, Jodi-Renee Giron, evangelical, liturgy, Peace


Literary Tool, Nagging Wife, or Real Person?

by Lia Scholl

Old Testament Reading: 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19

For Sunday, July 15, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 15

I sat in a Southern congregation on Mother’s...

In women, Lia Scholl, Old Testament, love, Michal, kingdom, Featured, Saul, nagging, YearB, 2 Samuel, preacher, dancing, David

Where Are the Birds?

What will it take to get them to nest in our branches?

by Christian Walther

Gospel Reading: Mark 4:26–34

For Sunday, June 17, 2012: Year B - Ordinary 11

Did I feel guilty moving into a brand spanking...

In new testament, neighborhood, kingdom, ecology, Featured, Christian Walther, soil, Mark, birds, nest, compost

Which Madness Will You Chose?

Is there any sanity in this text or is it an invitation to madness?

by Roy M. Terry IV

Gospel Reading:  Mark 3:20-35

For Sunday, June 10, 2012: Year B − Ordinary 10

It is hard to differentiate the...

In family, new testament, imagination, kingdom, Invitation, YearB, Mark, Roy Terry IV, Satan, Madness

The Burden of a Not-So-Burdensome Commandment

Living Out Love In the Real World.

by Jodi-Renee Adams

Epistle Reading:  1 John 5.1-6

For Sunday, May 23, Year B − Easter 6

John insists in a kind of circular argument that if you are a child of GOD...

In justice, new testament, love, kingdom, Featured, 1 John, paradox, Great Commandment, YearB, Jodi-Renee Adams

Nic at Night

Does the Gospel include God’s past deeds being exposed to the light as well our own?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading:  John 3:14-21

For Sunday, March 18, 2012—Lent 4

The state of humanity is snake...

In new testament, russell rathbun, serpent, life, kingdom, dark, night, nicodemus, bronze, Featured, John, born again, death, YearB, resurrection, light, idol

Jesus the Exorcist II

Is healing one of the promises of the kingdom?

by Jodi-Renee Adams

Gospel Reading: Mark 1:29-39

For Sunday, Feb. 5, Year B − Epiphany 5

Jesus starts his ministry with a bang by healing a dying woman...

In new testament, healing, kingdom, Jesus, Featured, demons, YearB, Mark, Jodi-Renee Adams, preaching

Reading the Text Abundantly or Protectively

What is the difference?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading:  Matthew 25:14-30

For Sunday, Nov. 13 , 2011: Year A—Ordinary 33

Jesus never comes right out and says “The Kingdom of Heaven is…” He says...

In new testament, russell rathbun, kingdom of heaven, kingdom, money, law, torah, talents, Featured, YearA, Kingdom of God, Matthew