Seas between us Broad have Roared

THQ has entered a state of suspended (as in no new posts) animation (as in what been archived is still quite lively!)

I must admit, perched on the cusp of a new year as I am in this moment, that my...

In Sparkhouse, russell rathbun, seminarium, Mike Stavlund, Lia Scholl, phyllis tickle, Roy Terry, nanette sawyer, Michael Danner, Fortress Press, the hardest question, Clint Schnekloth, question the text, will willimon, Debbie Blue, Mark Stenberg, nadia bolz-weber, Lauren Winner, revised common lectionary, THQ, midrash, Unvirtuous Abbey, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, Bruce-Reyes Chow, animate, Mark Labberton, re:form, RCL, Mark Scandrette, seminariumblog

Sinners Needed:

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: Luke 7:36 - 8:3

For Sunday, June 16, 2013; Year C—Ordinary 11

I get annoyed by people who want to be near me to judge me. These people feign interest in me and my...

In new testament, restoration, Michael Danner, judgement, forgiveness, Jesus, They do not know it but they are doing it, Simon, Featured, ideology, Karl Marx, YearC, Luke, Pharisee, legalism

Theological Telephone Game

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: Galatians 2:15 - 21

For Sunday, June 16, 2013; Year C—Ordinary 11

At some point, every youth group plays the telephone game (usually for the gossip lesson). But I...

In new testament, temptation, Michael Danner, Gentile, Featured, reconciliation, YearC, preaching, justification, exclusion, Jew, Paul, telephone game, Galatians

Crushed (Another View)!

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1 - 13

For Sunday, March 3, 2013; Year C—Lent 3

Two observations and an initial question…

Observation #1: Good things happen and bad things happen.

In God, new testament, Michael Danner, 1 Corinthians, suffering, Jesus, pagan, Featured, snakes, warning, sexual immorality, YearC, angel, wrath


by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: Luke 13:1-9

For Sunday, March 3, 2013; Year C—Lent 3

Two observations and an initial question…

Observation #1: Good things happen and bad things happen.


In new testament, pulling strings, Michael Danner, love, life, suffering, Theodicy, Jesus, Featured, power, YearC, Kingdom of God, Luke, Repentance

The End of the World

by Michael Danner

Gospel Reading: Luke 21:25 - 36

For Sunday, December 2, 2012; Year C—Advent 1

This passage begins with apocalyptic thunder, as Jesus overwhelms his hearers with the unspeakable doom...

In faith, new testament, Hope, apocalypse, Michael Danner, end of the world, Jesus, redemption, Featured, YearC, Luke

A Breath of Fresh Air

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

For Sunday, December 2, 2012; Year C—Advent 1

The Apostle Paul was a passionate defender of the faith. He dismantled error with a razor-like...

In Uncategorized, prayer, faith, new testament, practices, Michael Danner, love, spiritual disciplines, enemies, political, Rush Limbaugh, Featured, 1 Thessalonians, YearC, Dali Lama, Paul

You're Going the Wrong Way!

Epistle  Reading:  Ephesians 4:1-16

For Sunday, August 5, 2012; Year B—Ordinary 18

I love the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles staring Steve Martin and the late John Candy. In one scene, John...

In faith, new testament, Steve Martin, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Maturity, Michael Danner, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Ephesians, John Candy, Featured, Growth, wrong way, YearB

Why Do You Seek Jesus?

Gospel Reading:  John 6:24 - 35

For Sunday, August 5, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 18

I don’t remember a lot of what I was taught as a kid in church. However, I do remember being taught this: If I didn’t...

In new testament, Feeding of the 5000, Michael Danner, manipulation, Jesus, Featured, friendship, John, YearB, shalom, bread

Buying Access to God's Healing

Why does this business of healing have to be a business?

by Michael Danner

Old Testament Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-14

For Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012; Year B—Epiphany 6

When I read, or hear, a healing story, I...

In justice, Old Testament, Elisha, healing, 2 Kings, Michael Danner, Namaan, Featured, YearB, healthcare