Nic at Night

Does the Gospel include God’s past deeds being exposed to the light as well our own?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading:  John 3:14-21

For Sunday, March 18, 2012—Lent 4

The state of humanity is snake...

In new testament, russell rathbun, serpent, life, kingdom, dark, night, nicodemus, bronze, Featured, John, born again, death, YearB, resurrection, light, idol

Is It Magic or a Symbol of Free Speech?

The human ability to speak dissent against the Lord.

by Russell Rathbun

Old Testament Reading: Numbers 21:4-9

For Sunday, March 18, 2012—Lent 4

It is an all-new generation of grumblers. All the...

In russell rathbun, Numbers, serpent, Old Testament, magic, bronze, Featured, free speech, YearB, dissent, Hezekiah, idol