Visiting Prisons

by Lauren Winner

Gospel Reading: Luke 4:14-21

For Sunday, January 27, 2013: Year C—Epiphany 3

I am writing this from the classroom of a women’s prison in central North Carolina. The classroom is in a...

In new testament, penal, prison, citizen, release, incarcernation, Lauren Winner, Isaiah, Featured, freedom, confinement, YearC, Luke, prisoner, solitary

Kinda Sad

Can the privileged citizens of the empire proclaim the gospel of the oppressed?

by Russell Rathbun

Epistle Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18

For Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010: Year C - Ordinary 30

This is...

In new testament, russell rathbun, citizen, Featured, 2 Timothy, death, YearC, oppressed, gospel, privilege, Paul, empire