Room Enough

Is Jesus the once and future real estate agent?

by Tripp Hudgins

Gospel Reading:  John 14:1-14

For Sunday, May 22, 2011:  Year A - Easter 5

How spacious is the Father's house? Is everyone really...

In new testament, kingdom, Jesus, foreclosure, real estate, Featured, Thomas, John, city, YearA, house, place, Tripp Hudgins, way

Stephen the Martyr

Do we know a martyr when we see one?

by Tripp Hudgins

New Testament Reading:  Acts 7:55-60  

For Sunday, May 22, 2011:  Year A - Easter 5

Mr. Spock, in the second of the Star Trek films sacrifices...

In violence, new testament, hero, Kirk, martyr, Spock, Star Trek, Featured, YearA, Stephen, Tripp Hudgins, Acts, Dietrich Bonhoeffer