Walk Into the Text

When the Rabbi’s read they walk into the text. They bring themselves to it and step across the edge of the scroll, jump up onto its body, bouncing a little, believing it will hold their weight. And...

In Uncategorized, new testament, russell rathbun, Numbers, 2 Thessalonians, oral tradition, Old Testament, 2 Kings, Wisdom, the hardest question, 2 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians, question the text, Colossians, Psalms, Ephesians, Rabbi, Hosea, 1 Timothy, Leviticus, torah, Isaiah, Exodus, Romans, midrash, Malachi, questions, Featured, 1 John, 1 Thessalonians, Hebrews, John, 1 Samuel, Philemon, 1 Peter, Philippians, 1 Kings, Jonah, Joel, 2 Timothy, James, Deuteronomy, Ruth, YearC, YearB, Mark, YearA, 2 Samuel, Revelation, Luke, Micah, Talmud, Job, Jeremiah, Amos, Acts, Matthew, Genesis, Proverbs, Galatians

Boasting in the Heart

By Nanette Sawyer

Epistle Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

For Sunday, March 10, 2013:  Year C—Lent 4

When I began writing my book about hospitality, I really struggled over which chapter should come...

In Hospitality, new testament, nanette sawyer, 2 Corinthians, Divinization, Paul Tillich, Featured, Henri Nouwen, new creation, unveiling, YearC, transformation, theosis

Jesus Followers as A-Theists

Foolishness meets Reason.

by Neal D. Presa

Epistle Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10

For Sunday, July 8, Year B − Ordinary 14

When I first began thinking about this post, an alliance of secular and...

In faith, new testament, 2 Corinthians, Boast, Richard Dawkins, TImothy Keller, Reason Rally, Featured, Fool, athiest, YearB, Neal Presa, A-theism, reason

Excel at Generosity...

...and finish what you started!

by Clint Schnekloth

Epistle Reading:  2 Corinthians 8:7-15

For Sunday, July 1, 2012: Year B - Ordinary 13

This somewhat obscure passage from one of the more cryptic of...

In Generosity, new testament, loved, 2 Corinthians, Clint Schnekloth, Excel, competition, Featured, YearB, Jerusalem, socialism, exhortation, giving

On Being the King’s Ass

Light shoots out of the darkest places.

by Rev. Mike Baughman

Epistle Reading:  2 Corinthians 4:3-6

For Sunday, February, 19th: Year B—Transfiguration Sunday

It’s pretty popular to beat up on the...

In Religion, new testament, ass, 2 Corinthians, lord, decline, Featured, spirituality, YearB, Mike Baughman, light, donkey

The Three Stooges

Is the Trinity only good for benedictions?

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:11 - 13

For Sunday, June 19, 2011; Year AThe Holy Trinity

I grew up watching The Three Stooges after...

In community, new testament, Michael Danner, love, 2 Corinthians, Holy Spirit, grace, Father, Three Stooges, Trinity, Featured, jokes, Son, benediction, YearA, Peace