Slow Your Roll, Jesus!

by Lia Scholl

Gospel Reading: Luke 13:31–35

For Sunday, February 24, 2013: Year C—Lent 2

“Slow your roll!” she yells at her dad. Her father and I look at one another and we laugh. Slow your roll....

In Lia Scholl, rape, martyr, prophets, Martin Luther King, Featured, YearC, slow your roll, Luke, India

Jesus, Undomesticated

by Mike Stavlund

Gospel Reading: Luke 4:21-30

For Sunday, February 3, 2013: Year B—Epiphany 4

There has been some debate recently over the holiday that honors Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and...

In new testament, Mike Stavlund, prophets, truth-teller, Martin Luther King, Featured, YearC, truth, Luke, Elijah, chosen, establishment

The Hardest Apology

Must a Christian interpretation of any Older Testament passage be read through the lens of the resurrection?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:13-20

For Sunday, Feb 6. , 2011: Year A -...

In new testament, hebrew scripture, fulfillment, russel rathbun, prophets, Jesus, law, Featured, resurrection, YearA, Matthew, ageist