Walk Into the Text

When the Rabbi’s read they walk into the text. They bring themselves to it and step across the edge of the scroll, jump up onto its body, bouncing a little, believing it will hold their weight. And...

In Uncategorized, new testament, russell rathbun, Numbers, 2 Thessalonians, oral tradition, Old Testament, 2 Kings, Wisdom, the hardest question, 2 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians, question the text, Colossians, Psalms, Ephesians, Rabbi, Hosea, 1 Timothy, Leviticus, torah, Isaiah, Exodus, Romans, midrash, Malachi, questions, Featured, 1 John, 1 Thessalonians, Hebrews, John, 1 Samuel, Philemon, 1 Peter, Philippians, 1 Kings, Jonah, Joel, 2 Timothy, James, Deuteronomy, Ruth, YearC, YearB, Mark, YearA, 2 Samuel, Revelation, Luke, Micah, Talmud, Job, Jeremiah, Amos, Acts, Matthew, Genesis, Proverbs, Galatians

If This is a Pep Talk, I Give It an “F”

by Danielle Shroyer

Epistle Reading:  James 5:13-20

For Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 26

I don’t have any concrete evidence on this, but I think this passage may be in the running to win a...

In prayer, new testament, healing, wisdom, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, save, James, YearB, Elijah

Brains, Reins and a Tiller

by Mike Baughman

Epistle Reading: James 3:1-12

For Sunday, Sept. 16, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 24

In this week’s lectionary text on leadership and tongues, the potential significance of the small and...

In new testament, leadership, james, tongue, rudder, snaffle, Featured, James, YearB, Mike Baughman

Is The Book of James Proto-Marxist?

by Carl Gregg

Epistle Reading:  James 2:1-14

For Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012: Year B — Ordinary 23

Martin Luther dismissively called The Book of James a “right strawy epistle.” Luther wanted to base the...

In reformation, faith, new testament, Luther, salvation, james, Featured, Carl Gregg, sola scriptura, James, YearB, Marx, Works