Joseph Models the Embrace of a Child Who is Radically Unlike Him

by Lauren F. Winner

Gospel Reading:  Matthew 1:18-25

For Sunday, December 22, 2013: Year A—Advent 4

My colleague Stanley Hauerwas is always saying something like “if you want to learn how to welcome...

In Advent, children, Hospitality, new testament, Andrew Solomon, Lauren Winner, Joseph, Featured, incarnation, Far from the Tree, YearA, transgender, welcome, Matthew, Down Syndrome, stranger

Do you remember Midge?

by Lauren Winner

Gospel Reading: Luke 1:39-45

For Sunday, December 23, 2012: Year C—Advent 4

Do you remember Midge? She is Barbie’s best friend, and for a while she was pregnant, but her pregnancy...

In new testament, illegitimacy, pregancy, Elizabeth, Lauren Winner, Featured, mary, YearC, Luke, Midge, welcome, fake wedding rings, Jane Schaberg

Children in the Center of the Assembly

by Clint Schnekloth

Gospel Reading:  Mark 9:30-37

For Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012: Year B - Ordinary 25

Chapter nine of Mark sits right at the center of the gospel. Since Mark is structured chiastically...

In children, new testament, Clint Schnekloth, Featured, Chiasm, YearB, Mark, fake, children’s sermon, welcome