Doing Faith Until You Have It

by Will Willimon

Gospel Reading:  Luke 17:5-10

For Sunday, October 6, 2013: Year C—Lectionary 27

What is faith? Faith is trust, belief, conviction, relationship. If I say, “I have faith that this jet...

In faith, new testament, relationship, will willimon, righteousness, Featured, YearC, Luke, justification, Works

Is The Book of James Proto-Marxist?

by Carl Gregg

Epistle Reading:  James 2:1-14

For Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012: Year B — Ordinary 23

Martin Luther dismissively called The Book of James a “right strawy epistle.” Luther wanted to base the...

In reformation, faith, new testament, Luther, salvation, james, Featured, Carl Gregg, sola scriptura, James, YearB, Marx, Works