Common, Not...

by Russell Rathbun

Excursus on the Revised Common Lectionary

For Sunday, November 24, 2013—Christ the King

As we have reached the end of end of the church year and are very nearing the end of what...

In Uncategorized, russell rathbun, mass, Vatican II, North American Consultation on Common Texts, revised common lectionary, Featured, CCT, Pope Paul VI, RCL, liturgy

Late-Night Theology

by Unvirtuous Abbey

Old Testament Reading:  Deuteronomy 30:9–14

For Sunday, July 14, 2013—Ordinary 15

I have an “oil of anointing key chain.” After watching a late-night preacher tell me how badly God...

In community, Old Testament, anoint, covenat, Unvirtuous Abbey, prosperity, Practice, Umair Haque, Moses, Deuteronomy, anointing, liturgy

They All Come Tumbling Down

by Jodi-Renee Giron

Gospel Reading: Mark 13:1-8

For Sunday, November 18, 2012, Year B − Ordinary 33

After a day spent talking about loving your neighbor and commending sacrificial widows, Jesus and...

In Religion, new testament, apocalypse, denver civic center, 70 ce, kingdom, Temple, Featured, YearB, Mark, little apocalypse, Jodi-Renee Giron, evangelical, liturgy, Peace

All That Glitters May or May Not Be Gold

by Jodi-Renee Giron

Psalm Reading: Psalm 16

For Sunday, November 18, 2012, Year B − Ordinary 33

The psalmist, ascribed to be David, starts with a plea for protection from the Almighty One then...

In prayer, Old Testament, Temple, Psalms, promises, Featured, goodness, institution, YearB, Jodi-Renee Giron, evangelical, liturgy