When a Passage Does More Harm than Good

by Bruce Reyes-Chow

 Epistle Reading:  Philemon 1-21

For Sunday, September 8, 2013: Year C - Lectionary 23

On a first read of this week’s passage one could easily come away with a powerful story of...

In new testament, slavery, biblical interpretation, Featured, reconciliation, Bruce-Reyes Chow, exegesis, Philemon, oppression, YearC

Gomer and the Metaphor of Redemption

by Carol Howard Merritt

Old Testament Reading: Hosea 11:1-11

For Sunday, August 4, 2013: Year —Lectionary 18

I sat with the betrothed couple as we looked over the marriage ceremony. They were like...

In Old Testament, traditions, sexual slavery, sex worker, Gomer, Hosea, slavery, redemption, sex work, Featured, wedding, weddings, patriarchy, carol howard merritt

The Curse of the Really Great Text

by Mark Stenberg

Gospel Reading: Mark 10:35-45

For Sunday, October 21, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 29

So very often the hard questions come easy. But this text has so much beauty and subversive grace, so...

In Uncategorized, new testament, Gestalt, Mark Stenberg, atonement, slavery, Featured, ransom, YearB, Mark, rhetoric