Jesus the Jerk

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading: Luke 9:51-62

For Sunday, June 30, 2013 —Ordinary 13

“A smile is contagious.”

Or at least people say it is. Usually it is your Mom. Her comment was likely not...

In new testament, russell rathbun, samaria, follow, disciple, Featured, YearC, jerk, Luke, irritable, contagious smile, smile

Renounce the Delusion

Can we experience the Lenten journey if we think we already know where it ends?

by Russell Rathbun

Old Testament Reading: 1 Samuel 16:1-13

For Sunday, April 3, 2011: Year A - Lent 4

The Lord really...

In Lent, russell rathbun, Old Testament, meaning, life, follow, unknown, 1 Samuel, Journey, call, death, truth, YearA

You Pointing at ME?

Would a better nickname be "John the Finger"

by Jennifer Johnson

Gospel Reading John 1: 29-42

For Sunday, Jan. 16, 2011: Year A - Epiphany 2

Can we give it a rest already?

To tell you the truth, I’m...

In new testament, point, Jesus, follow, disciple, Messiah, Featured, John, Jennifer Johnson, YearA, john the baptist