High Praise from Heaven

by Mike Stavlund

Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31

For Sunday, May 26, 2013: Year C—Holy Trinity

In this week’s Gospel reading, Jesus has lots of laudatory stuff to say about himself and...

In Mike Stavlund, Old Testament, wisdom, creation, Proverbs 8, Trinity Sunday, Featured, Psalm 8, YearC, Proverbs

Are We There Yet?

by Mike Stavlund

Gospel Reading: John 16:12-15

For Sunday, May 26, 2013: Year C—Holy Trinity

In this week’s Gospel reading, Jesus seems to be a bit greedy. Or at the very least, territorial.


In Uncategorized, new testament, Mike Stavlund, Holy Spirit, Pentecostals, Trinity, Pentecost, Featured, Dallas Willard, perichoresis, John, YearC

Postmodern Prophets

by Mike Stavlund

Old Testament Reading:  Jeremiah 1:4-10

For Sunday, February 3, 2013: Year B—Epiphany 4

Preachers are a funny breed. We take ourselves, our work, and our words very seriously—as we...

In Mike Stavlund, Old Testament, prophet, jeremiah, postmodern, Featured, power, call, YearC, Jeremiah, insecurity

Jesus, Undomesticated

by Mike Stavlund

Gospel Reading: Luke 4:21-30

For Sunday, February 3, 2013: Year B—Epiphany 4

There has been some debate recently over the holiday that honors Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and...

In new testament, Mike Stavlund, prophets, truth-teller, Martin Luther King, Featured, YearC, truth, Luke, Elijah, chosen, establishment

Little Women

by Mike Stavlund

Old Testament Reading: Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17

For Sunday, November 11, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 32

As the father of three girls, and the husband of yet another woman, I am perhaps becoming...

In Mike Stavlund, Old Testament, Featured, patriarchy, locus of control, Ruth, YearB, Kinsman Redeemer, widow

Blood from a Turnip

by Mike Stavlund

Gospel Reading: Mark 12:38-44

For Sunday, November 11, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 32

Hanging out recently with a friend who grew up Baptist, I was asked if I had heard of the “Lottie Moon...

In new testament, apocalypse, Mike Stavlund, china, missionary, offereing, mite, give, YearB, Mark, baptist, lottie moon, widow, zombie, giving

A Preacher with Unclean Lips

Redemption for God’s mouthpiece.

by Mike Stavlund

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8

For Sunday, June 3, 2012: Year B—Trinity Sunday

On Trinity Sunday, the Lectionarians are showing us the wider...

In Mike Stavlund, Old Testament, Barth, atonement, Isaiah, Featured, YearB, preacher, Calvin, lips, angel, coal