Less Faith

by Mark Stenberg

Gospel Reading: John 20:19–31

For Sunday, April 7, 2013: Year C—Easter 2

Imagine, with me, that particular moment. What was happening during that moment in human history when Thomas...

In Doubt, faith, new testament, Mark Stenberg, Featured, Thomas, john, John, YearC, prologue; scapegoat; doubting thomas

Searching for a Miracle

by Carol Howard Merritt

Gospel Reading: Mark 10:46-52

For Sunday, October 28, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 30

My father and I entered a huge concrete block building, crowded with people. My dad didn’t use a...

In Doubt, prayer, faith, new testament, healing, Bartimaeus, magic, formula, Featured, YearB, Mark, sickness, faith healers, blind, carol howard merritt

Honoring the Skeptic

 What's so bad about being a pending Christian?

by Rev. Mark Stenberg, Ph.D.

 Gospel Reading: John 20:19-31

 For Sunday, April 15, 2012: Year B—Easter 2

"Doubting Thomas." His name lives in infamy,...

In Doubt, faith, new testament, Worry, doubter, Mark Stenberg, Featured, Thomas, John, YearB, Habermas