Are We There Yet?

by Mike Stavlund

Gospel Reading: John 16:12-15

For Sunday, May 26, 2013: Year C—Holy Trinity

In this week’s Gospel reading, Jesus seems to be a bit greedy. Or at the very least, territorial.


In Uncategorized, new testament, Mike Stavlund, Holy Spirit, Pentecostals, Trinity, Pentecost, Featured, Dallas Willard, perichoresis, John, YearC

You Don’t Take Pentecost Seriously

by Danielle Shroyer

New Testament Reading: Acts 2:1-21

For Sunday, May 19, 2013: Year C—Pentecost

I’ll be straight with you: Pentecost is my favorite Christian day. So please excuse me while I hop up...

In new testament, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Pentecost, Danielle Shroyer, Saul, YearC, dove, Ascension, Acts, David

Not As the World Gives

by MaryAnn McKibben Dana

Gospel Reading:  John 14:23-29

For Sunday, May 5, 2013—Easter 6

I’m reading the seventh Harry Potter book to my daughters these days.

While I love J.K. Rowling’s expansive...

In new testament, harry potter, Holy Spirit, sermon, farewell discourse, Gospel of John, Featured, John, Taize, YearC, Rob Bell, MaryAnn McKibben Dana, Peace

Supernatural Vending Machine

by Roy M. Terry IV

Epistle Reading:  1 Corinthians 12:1-11

For Sunday, January 20, 2013: Year C—Epiphany 2

I am a “Snickers” guy. When I’m a little hungry and there happens to be a vending machine...

In new testament, baptism, 1 Corinthians, Holy Spirit, snickers, Featured, gift, gifts of the spirit, vending machine, Roy Terry IV

The Jerusalem Holy Spirit Police

by Mark Stenberg

New Testament Reading:  Acts 8:4-17

For Sunday, January 13, 2013: Year C—Baptism of our Lord

What were the good folks on the Revised Common Lectionary committee thinking? What a...

In new testament, baptism, Holy Spirit, baptism of Holy Spirit, Mark Stenberg, charismatic, Samaritan, Pentecostal, YearC, word of God, laying on of hands, Acts, word and sacrament

Making Friends with Strange Cats

by Unvirtuous Abbey

Old Testament Reading:  2 Samuel 23:1-7

For Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012—Christ the King Sunday

During a senate debate, Richard Mourdock said, “I think even when life begins in that...

In Uncategorized, Robert Mourdock, Old Testament, authority, Holy Spirit, listen, discernment, Unvirtuous Abbey, speak, Featured, YearB, 2 Samuel, David

You're Going the Wrong Way!

Epistle  Reading:  Ephesians 4:1-16

For Sunday, August 5, 2012; Year B—Ordinary 18

I love the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles staring Steve Martin and the late John Candy. In one scene, John...

In faith, new testament, Steve Martin, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Maturity, Michael Danner, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Ephesians, John Candy, Featured, Growth, wrong way, YearB

The Walking Alive

On being affected/infected by the Spirit.

by Neal D. Presa

New Testament Reading: Acts 2:1-21

For Sunday, May 27, Year B − Pentecost

We would expect no less from God than purely phenomenal, surreal,...

In community, new testament, Prophecy, Holy Spirit, Walking Dead, spirit, praise, Pentecost, Featured, worship, Mark Labberton, YearB, Neal Presa, Acts

What Happens in Baptism...

...doesn’t stay in baptism.

by Danielle Shroyer

Gospel Reading: Mark 1:9-15

For Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012:  Year B—Lent 1

Why is Mark always in such a hurry? Sometimes when I’m reading his Gospel I get...

In new testament, baptism, Holy Spirit, depravity, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, beloved, YearB, Mark

The Word Before the Baby Jesus

Why does Word that is God nearly completely disappear from the rest of the scriptures?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading: John 1:1-14

For Sunday, Dec. 25 , 2011: Year B—Christmas Day

Abandon the...

In Christmas, new testament, russell rathbun, reborn, Holy Spirit, Paraclete, flesh beginning, creation, Featured, john, John, YearB, word