Loyalty is Overrated

by Bruce Reyes-Chow

Gospel Reading:  Luke 14:24-33

For Sunday, September 8, 2013: Year C - Lectionary 23

There are few things in life more difficult that standing up against a friend or family member...

In family, Loyalty, new testament, Featured, faithfulness, Bruce-Reyes Chow, disagreement, calling, YearC, Luke

Elijah, Murderer

By Nanette Sawyer

Old Testament Reading: 1 Kings 19:1-4, (5-7), 8-15a

For Sunday, June 23, 2013:  Year C—Ordinary 12

When we get right down to it, Elijah is a murderer, and we need to think long and...

In violence, Loyalty, nanette sawyer, retaliation, honor, Featured, kingship, 1 Kings, Baal, YearC, Elijah, Jezebel

Zack’s Boy

by Nanette Sawyer

Gospel Reading: Luke 3:1-6

For Sunday, December 2, 2012:  Year C—Advent 2

Recently we celebrated Christ the King Sunday, or The Reign of Christ, and I got into asking questions about...

In Loyalty, new testament, nanette sawyer, Cotton Patch Gospel, forgiveness, YearC, Luke, Repentance