External Rituals of the Elite

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading:  Mark 7:1-8, 14-5, 21-23

For Sunday, Sept. 2 , 2012—Ordinary 22

How many of us will preach this text with the assumption that we and our congregations are the...

In new testament, russell rathbun, Pharisees, food, organic, hormone, ritual, Featured, exposure, pink slime, fundementalist, YearB, Mark, toys, first world, elite, pesticides, safety, privilege

The Yoke of the Law

What burden is it that the Pharisees refuse to lift a finger to move?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading: Matthew 23:1-12

For Sunday, Oct.30 , 2011: Year A—Ordinary 31

Things are about to get ugly,...

In new testament, russell rathbun, Pharisees, kingdom, burden, Featured, power, woe, YearA, Matthew

Shutting Down the Smart Kids?

Jesus' intellectual smackdown.

by Danielle Shroyer

Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:34-46

For Sunday, October 23, 2011:  Year A—Ordinary 30

Jesus is the master of responding to questions with another...

In faith, new testament, Pharisees, Columbo, riddle, question, Trinity, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, trick, YearA, logic, Sadducees, Matthew

Mean Jesus?

Who got up on the wrong side of the bed?

by Mike Stavlund

Gospel Reading: Matthew 15:[10-20] 21-28

For Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011: Year A—Ordinary 20

Did Jesus ever have a bad day? You know, one of those...

In new testament, anger, Mike Stavlund, Pharisees, hypocrite, Sidon, Featured, YearA, Tyre, Matthew

Modifiying with “Good”

Am I truly ready to participate in a community of peculiar, unexplained, and undeserved love?

By Mark Labberton

Gospel Reading: Luke 10:25-37

For Sunday, July 11, 2010: Year C Ordinary 15


In new testament, Pharisees, neighbor, Jesus, Featured, Mark Labberton, YearC, Luke, Good Samaritan