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We Are Not Alone.

The insidious nature of sin and brokenness in communities of faith.

by Bruce Reyes-Chow

 Epistle Reading:  Romans 7:15-25

For Sunday, July 3, 2011: Year A - Ordinary 14

Oh boy, proof that some people...

In community, faith, new testament, healing, Sin, Romans, Featured, reconciliation, Bruce-Reyes Chow, YearA, joy, integrity

Year A - Ordinary 13 Video Response


In Archived Video

Cold Cup of Water in the Face

Could it be that Simple?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel  Reading:  Matthew 10:37-42

For Sunday, June 26 , 2011: Year A - Ordinary 13

Let us begin with a thought experiment. Suppose you are walking down the...

In Kindness, new testament, russell rathbun, water, Featured, YearA, Kingdom of God, global warming, Matthew, homeless

A Psalm of a Thirteen-Year-Old

Do we lose something on this side of Spiritual Puberty?

by Russell Rathbun

Psalm Reading:  Psalm 13

For Sunday, June 26 , 2011: Year A - Ordinary 13

The Psalm for this week is short, repetitive,...

In psalm 13, russell rathbun, Old Testament, love, outlaw, Psalms, Alex Chilton, 13, Featured, puberty, sorrow, YearA, thirteen, emotion

Year A - Holy Trinity Sunday Video Response


In Archived Video

The Three Stooges

Is the Trinity only good for benedictions?

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:11 - 13

For Sunday, June 19, 2011; Year AThe Holy Trinity

I grew up watching The Three Stooges after...

In community, new testament, Michael Danner, love, 2 Corinthians, Holy Spirit, grace, Father, Three Stooges, Trinity, Featured, jokes, Son, benediction, YearA, Peace

Conquer, Clone or Kill

Is Jesus giving us permission to convert at all cost?

by Michael Danner

Gospel Reading: Matthew 28:16-20

For Sunday, June 19, 2011; Year AThe Holy Trinity

The resurrected Jesus is leaving and his...

In violence, Hospitality, new testament, Michael Danner, Jesus, evangelism, disciple, Great Commission, Featured, power, convert, YearA, Matthew

Year A - Pentecost Sunday Video Response


In Archived Video

Finger in the Hole, Fist in the Side

Is this the birth or the conception of the church?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel  Reading: John 20:19-31

For Sunday, June 12 , 2011: Year A - Day of Pentecost

All the doors are shut, locked, and there...

In church, new testament, Holy Spirit, russel rathbun, Pentecost, concieive, Featured, John, conception, Acts 2, breathe, wind, YearA, birth, breath

The Narrowing of the Gospel

Why are there four Gospels, but only one Acts?

by Russell Rathbun

First  Reading: Acts 2:1-21

For Sunday, June 12 , 2011: Year A - Day of Pentecost

The church is born fifty days after the...

In new testament, russell rathbun, Babel, crocodiles, monoculture, Pentecost, Featured, fifty, green beans, YearA, Luke, Acts, Paul, voice, synoptic