Lechem Dimah

by Lauren Winner

Psalm Reading:  Psalm 80

For Sunday, December 23, 2012: Year C—Advent 4

I once dated a man who did not believe I was upset unless I started crying. I could tell him I was upset, I...

In Old Testament, Psalms, Lauren Winner, Featured, boar of the forest, Sandy Hook, pearls, gift, YearC, tears, bread of tears

Rejoice Now or Later?

by Roy M. Terry IV

Old Testament Reading:  Zephaniah 3:14-20

For Sunday, December 16, 2012: Year C—Advent 3

On this 3rd Sunday in Advent it appears there is a whole lot of rejoicing going on.


In Old Testament, Rejoice, Gratification, Featured, Fortunes, oppression, oppressed, Roy Terry IV

Morpheus, I mean John…

by Roy M. Terry IV

Gospel Reading:  Luke 3:7-18

For Sunday, December 16, 2012: Year C—Advent 3

This week’s Gospel reminds me of the movie “The Matrix.” Morpheus, the “John the Baptist” of this movie...

In change, new testament, baptism, systems, Morpheus, liberation, Featured, YearC, Neo, Matrix, Luke, Roy Terry IV

The End of the World

by Michael Danner

Gospel Reading: Luke 21:25 - 36

For Sunday, December 2, 2012; Year C—Advent 1

This passage begins with apocalyptic thunder, as Jesus overwhelms his hearers with the unspeakable doom...

In faith, new testament, Hope, apocalypse, Michael Danner, end of the world, Jesus, redemption, Featured, YearC, Luke

A Breath of Fresh Air

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

For Sunday, December 2, 2012; Year C—Advent 1

The Apostle Paul was a passionate defender of the faith. He dismantled error with a razor-like...

In Uncategorized, prayer, faith, new testament, practices, Michael Danner, love, spiritual disciplines, enemies, political, Rush Limbaugh, Featured, 1 Thessalonians, YearC, Dali Lama, Paul

Making Friends with Strange Cats

by Unvirtuous Abbey

Old Testament Reading:  2 Samuel 23:1-7

For Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012—Christ the King Sunday

During a senate debate, Richard Mourdock said, “I think even when life begins in that...

In Uncategorized, Robert Mourdock, Old Testament, authority, Holy Spirit, listen, discernment, Unvirtuous Abbey, speak, Featured, YearB, 2 Samuel, David

Papa’s Got a Brand New Bible

by Unvirtuous Abbey

Gospel Reading:  John 18:33–37

For Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012—Christ the King Sunday

The King James Brown version of the Bible might say, “The one thing that can solve most of our...

In president, new testament, kingdom, Obama, Politics, dance, Unvirtuous Abbey, Featured, John, pilate, Chistmas, YearB, truth, james Brown

What is Truth?

by Russell Rathbun

Gospel Reading:  John 18:33–37

For Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012—Christ the King Sunday

Read the Bible long enough, over years and years, teaching and preaching and you get what Pilate is...

In new testament, Featured, John, YearB

They All Come Tumbling Down

by Jodi-Renee Giron

Gospel Reading: Mark 13:1-8

For Sunday, November 18, 2012, Year B − Ordinary 33

After a day spent talking about loving your neighbor and commending sacrificial widows, Jesus and...

In Religion, new testament, apocalypse, denver civic center, 70 ce, kingdom, Temple, Featured, YearB, Mark, little apocalypse, Jodi-Renee Giron, evangelical, liturgy, Peace

All That Glitters May or May Not Be Gold

by Jodi-Renee Giron

Psalm Reading: Psalm 16

For Sunday, November 18, 2012, Year B − Ordinary 33

The psalmist, ascribed to be David, starts with a plea for protection from the Almighty One then...

In prayer, Old Testament, Temple, Psalms, promises, Featured, goodness, institution, YearB, Jodi-Renee Giron, evangelical, liturgy