Jesus Followers as A-Theists

Foolishness meets Reason.

by Neal D. Presa

Epistle Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10

For Sunday, July 8, Year B − Ordinary 14

When I first began thinking about this post, an alliance of secular and...

In faith, new testament, 2 Corinthians, Boast, Richard Dawkins, TImothy Keller, Reason Rally, Featured, Fool, athiest, YearB, Neal Presa, A-theism, reason

Year B - Ordinary 13 Video Response

In YearB, Archived Video

Sense My Body

"Reach out and touch—faith!"

by Clint Schnekloth

Gospel Reading:  Mark 5:21-43

For Sunday, July 1, 2012: Year B - Ordinary 13

There is a lot of touching going on here, a lot of sheer physicality.


In faith, new testament, healing, Clint Schnekloth, Jesus, Touch, Featured, The Healing Touch Program, blood, Depeche Mode, YearB, Mark

Excel at Generosity...

...and finish what you started!

by Clint Schnekloth

Epistle Reading:  2 Corinthians 8:7-15

For Sunday, July 1, 2012: Year B - Ordinary 13

This somewhat obscure passage from one of the more cryptic of...

In Generosity, new testament, loved, 2 Corinthians, Clint Schnekloth, Excel, competition, Featured, YearB, Jerusalem, socialism, exhortation, giving

When Whirlwinds Speak

I know I’m in trouble when God calls me a pansy.

by Mike Baughman

Old Testament Reading:  Job 3:1-11

For Sunday, June 24, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 12

For my undergraduate education I went to Duke...

In Old Testament, Israel, questions, Featured, Whirlwind, YearB, Mike Baughman, job, Job, spiritual snob

Bailing Buckets

Sometimes Jesus gets grouchy.

by Mike Baughman

Gospel Reading:  Mark 4:35-41

For Sunday, June 24, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 12

For most pastors, this is an easy Sunday. They flip open to Mark 4, see that...

In faith, new testament, storm, boat, Featured, Sailing, disciples, fear, calm, YearB, Mark, Mike Baughman, miracle

Ruddy, yes...

...but YWWH likes him too.

by Christian Walther

Old Testament Reading: 1 Samuel 15:34—16:13

For Sunday, June 17, 2012: Year B - Ordinary 11

Size doesn’t matter—or maybe it really does. Beauty is only...

In Beauty, Old Testament, Samuel, anoint, Featured, king, 1 Samuel, Christian Walther, Saul, YearB, Old Spice, David

Giving Up, Giving In or Freely Giving

Why does God give up so quickly on God’s chosen people?

by Roy M. Terry IV

Old Testament Reading:  1 Samuel 8:4-20 (11:14-15)

For Sunday, June 10, 2012:  Year B − Ordinary 10

Numerous times I have been...

In change, Old Testament, Samuel, Politics, Anointed, Security, king, 1 Samuel, YearB, Judge, Roy Terry IV

Which Madness Will You Chose?

Is there any sanity in this text or is it an invitation to madness?

by Roy M. Terry IV

Gospel Reading:  Mark 3:20-35

For Sunday, June 10, 2012: Year B − Ordinary 10

It is hard to differentiate the...

In family, new testament, imagination, kingdom, Invitation, YearB, Mark, Roy Terry IV, Satan, Madness

A Preacher with Unclean Lips

Redemption for God’s mouthpiece.

by Mike Stavlund

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8

For Sunday, June 3, 2012: Year B—Trinity Sunday

On Trinity Sunday, the Lectionarians are showing us the wider...

In Mike Stavlund, Old Testament, Barth, atonement, Isaiah, Featured, YearB, preacher, Calvin, lips, angel, coal