
by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: Luke 13:1-9

For Sunday, March 3, 2013; Year C—Lent 3

Two observations and an initial question…

Observation #1: Good things happen and bad things happen.


In new testament, pulling strings, Michael Danner, love, life, suffering, Theodicy, Jesus, Featured, power, YearC, Kingdom of God, Luke, Repentance

When Job doesn’t Jibe with Reality

by Carol Howard Merritt

Old Testament Reading: Job 42:1-6, 10-17

For Sunday, October 28, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 30

I saw the young man in the fall. He looked like a well-equipped urban hiker, getting...

In Old Testament, meaninglessness, hopelessness, suffering, Theodicy, Featured, YearB, Job, homelessness

This is Not an Answer

by Mark Stenberg

Old Testament Reading: Job 38:1-7

For Sunday, October 21, 2012: Year B—Ordinary 29

If you consider Job a formal theodicy that gives definitive, systematic answers about evil, Satan,...

In Old Testament, answer, Theodicy, Mark Stenberg, Featured, pie hole, YearB, job, advice, Job, three amigos