Are We There Yet?

by Mike Stavlund

Gospel Reading: John 16:12-15

For Sunday, May 26, 2013: Year C—Holy Trinity

In this week’s Gospel reading, Jesus seems to be a bit greedy. Or at the very least, territorial.


In Uncategorized, new testament, Mike Stavlund, Holy Spirit, Pentecostals, Trinity, Pentecost, Featured, Dallas Willard, perichoresis, John, YearC

Less Than Satisfactory

by Danielle Shroyer

Gospel Reading:  John 14:8-17, 25-27

For Sunday, May 19, 2013: Year C—Pentecost

Have you got questions about the Trinity? You’re not alone. The disciples are right there with you.


In new testament, Paraclete, Trinity, Gospel of John, Pentecost, Danielle Shroyer, John, YearC, Advocate

Trinitarian Roulette

A stand-off with the second person of the Godhead.

by Mike Stavlund

Gospel Reading: John 3:1-17 

For Sunday, June 3, 2012: Year B—Trinity Sunday

This is an ideal scenario for Jesus’ foundering PR...

In new testament, Mike Stavlund, love, nicodemus, Trinity, Featured, John, save, John 3:16, condemn, YearB, world, synoptic

Shutting Down the Smart Kids?

Jesus' intellectual smackdown.

by Danielle Shroyer

Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:34-46

For Sunday, October 23, 2011:  Year A—Ordinary 30

Jesus is the master of responding to questions with another...

In faith, new testament, Pharisees, Columbo, riddle, question, Trinity, Featured, Danielle Shroyer, trick, YearA, logic, Sadducees, Matthew

The Three Stooges

Is the Trinity only good for benedictions?

by Michael Danner

Epistle Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:11 - 13

For Sunday, June 19, 2011; Year AThe Holy Trinity

I grew up watching The Three Stooges after...

In community, new testament, Michael Danner, love, 2 Corinthians, Holy Spirit, grace, Father, Three Stooges, Trinity, Featured, jokes, Son, benediction, YearA, Peace


Wait just a minute. Is Jesus trying to take stuff away or give it?

by Nadia Bolz-Weber

Gospel Reading: Luke 12:32–40

For Sunday, August 8, 2010: Year C - Ordinary 19

Let's try and meet some...

In new testament, kingdom, nadia bolz-weber, Trinity, Featured, thief, give, flock, YearC, Luke